Monday, May 4, 2009

WTF with the pics!!??

I am so confused!!! My pics are all screwed up and I am so computer challenged ..I can't figure out how to edit!!! So here goes again!!! These are the pics that didn't how up below!!!


apple hat isaac model

Knitting!!! Carpal tunnel style!!

I have been a busy little knitter this past weekend...blogging the other day about my many WIPs gave me the metaphorical spanking I needed to pick up and finish my first socks! In addition, I hosted the ongoing knit-a-long that I have participating in. Saturday, I sat outside and basked in the sunlight...enjoyed some fine Cascata Reisling and knitted as fast as I could on my rainbow at twighlight socks! I had my ipod on and was utterly seduced by the honeysuckle -esque fragrances of spring wafting off the many flowering trees in my yard..I was in a majorly Zen place because I sat there and knitted for four hours and it felt like a half hour!!


These crab apple blossoms smell divine!!


My view while knitting saturday!

And here at last are my finished socks!!!!


Then on Sunday I hosted the apple baby hat knit-a-long! My apple hat is torey-adorable on Isaac! The double points look like scaffolding!!


And here is the finished project!!


Two completed projects in one weekend!! What more could a knitter ask for? I resolve now to finish my shetland triangle shawl!!!! I feel like I am cleaning house!hehe

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I have yarn scattered all over the place!!!! ...Mainly because of yarn hopping Vermont two times this past winter! I am yarning all over the place literally and metaphorically!!! I think I have too many projects going on at once..and I just want to cast on more! I need to discipline my fanny and finish things..i wish I could speed knit! I must have a bad case of knitters ADD..I get bored if I am working on something too long! My inner toddler needs a time out...I am going to resolutely refuse to cast on anything new until I have completed at least two WIP's!
current WIP's:
Bill's sweater from hell - needs half of sleeves,piecing and neck ribbing
socks- three inches or so of instep
shetland triangle- two or three more repeats and edging
seaside cottage stole- JUST started!!!
Lucy bag - 20 more rows of stockinette and straps
baby hat - half way there
I won't even mention some of my other hibernating projects!!! I will focus on this list...!!! I most definately will stop browsing patterns on Ravelry..that is a sure way to derail my efforts to stay on track!!! On a positive note..i did make soem cute polar bear coasters for my swap partner and I made a new born berry hat for Emma's new grandbaby! Yikes! I just realized that I am a one skein wonder!



Dulcie looks so cute in the berry hat!! Doesn't she look happy!hehe

here is my jumble of WIPS!!!!!
